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Season Race No.
2017-03-18 | Sat | 16:55 | Turf | 1800M | YIELDING | 70-40 | $295,000
Race Replay
Placing Horse No. Horse Name Dividend $
155.50 38.50

Pool Winning Combination Dividend $
QIN (6) 4- 7 743.50
QPL (6) 4- 7 406.50
1- 4 208.50
1- 7 716.50
TCE (6) 4- 7- 1 5,309.00
DBL (5- 6) 4/ 4 140.00
(5- 6)
4/ 7 88.50

Race Time : 14.2335.611:00.81:25.91:51.6
Sectional Time : 14.2321.3825.2125.1125.67
Class Record 1:47.4
Course Record 1:45.4

Pla No. Horse Hr.
Rtg Wgt Draw J / T Gear Running
LBW Time Odds Comm
1 4 KING CREOLE 1078 66 123 3 ACR/GA B/RB 11-11-11-11-1  - 1:51.6 15 -
2 7 WONDER HOLY 1070 64 121 4 RCO/CKC H/RB 1-1-1-1-2  HD 1:51.6 40
3 1 RIVER TREASURE 1030 69 126 8 RMA/CHS BH/RB 5-3-4-4-3  1/2 1:51.7 22
4 6 SAME BEAUTY 1162 64 121 7 LC /KSW B/RB-/XNB 6-2-2-2-4  1 1:51.7 1
5 11 MASTER KABIDDI 1110 59 116 5 WSH/WTW P 3-6-7-7-5  2-1/4 1:51.9 13 -
6 8 BINGO FANTASY 1097 61 118 10 CPS/PL B/RB 9-5-3-3-6  4 1:52.2 60 -
7 3 OFF THE BENCH 1050 67 124 1 KHY/KTC BH/RB 2-10-8-8-7  4-1/4 1:52.2 32
8 5 NOTHING TO SAY 1135 64 121 2 BY /KHL B/RB 10-9-8-7-8  4-1/4 1:52.2 52 -
9 2 BASEMENT 1111 67 124 6 AAZ/JL PB/RB 8-7-10-10-9  6-3/4 1:52.6 34 -
10 9 BRIGHT ALLOY 1133 60 117 11 HL /CKC T/RB 7-8-9-9-10  9-3/4 1:53.1 66
11 10 HAPPY FISH 1212 59 116 9 WLH/PLE B/RB 4-4-5-5-11  19-1/4 1:54.7 13

Race Report

1 River Treasure (R Maia) –Shortly after the start was bumped by 6 Same Beauty. From the 200 metres to the 50 metres was severely hampered and bumped on a number of occasions by 6 Same Beauty which hung out under pressure.
3 Off The Bench (K H Yu) –Rounding the home turn was held up and unable to improve and on entering the home straight was disappointed for a run between 8 Bingo Fantasy and 11 Master Kabiddi before obtaining clear running leaving the 300 metres.
6 Same Beauty (L Corrales) –Shortly after the start was inconvenienced by 1 River Treasure which was taken in by 10 Happy Fish. Inclined to hang out under pressure in the home straight and from the 200 metres until the 50 metres bumped with 1 River Treasure on a number of occasions.
7 Wonder Holy (R Curatolo) –Shifted a significant amount of ground outwards under pressure in the home straight. When questioned regarding his ride in the home straight, in particular the reasons for 7 Wonder Holy shifting a significant amount of ground outwards leaving the 300 metres, Jockey R Curatolo stated that it was not his intention to shift ground and that his mount was inclined to shift out under pressure despite him pulling the whip through to the left hand. He added upon reviewing the film, he was surprised at how much ground his mount had shifted out and conceded that he should have done more to prevent his mount from shifting. After considering all the circumstances, the Stewards issued Jockey R Curatolo with a severe reprimand and advised him that on this occasion he had failed to make sufficient effort to prevent his mount from shifting ground at that stage of the race and should he continue to ride in such a manner more severe action may be taken.
9 Bright Alloy (H Lam) –Raced wide without cover throughout.
10 Happy Fish (W L Ho) – Raced wide from the 1100 metres until near the 800 metres where it obtained a position outside the leader. Poor performance. Rider reported that on pulling up his mount was making abnormal respiratory noises. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormality. Trainer Pat Lee was informed to present the gelding to the Veterinary Hospital for a thorough veterinary examination on Sunday, 19th March 2017.

Following the running of the race, the “Enquiry” sign was semaphored. The Stewards viewed the official patrol film of the home straight to ascertain whether there were grounds for 6 Same Beauty (L Corrales) and 1 River Treasure (R Maia) to lodge an objection against 7 Wonder Holy (R Curatolo) being declared 2nd placegetter. It was established that leaving the 200 metres 6 Same Beauty which was being ridden along with the whip was inclined to hang out and away from 7 Wonder Holy which was also shifting out. As a result, from the 200 metres until the 50 metres, 6 Same Beauty made contact with 1 River Treasure on a number of occasions forcing it wider on the track. After considering all of the circumstances, the Stewards did not proceed to lodge an objection as they were satisfied that although 7 Wonder Holy was shifting ground outwards at that stage of the race, the racing manners of 6 Same Beauty in that it was inclined to hang out and away from 7 Wonder Holy under pressure had contributed to interference suffered to 1 River Treasure. Correct weight was declared on the Judge’s placings.

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