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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 11 Sex Gelding Color Chestnut
More Than Ready 
Dam Chinchilla Rose Sire of Dam Lion Hunter Same Sire
Trainer M.C.Tam Owner Lau Yiu Tong Same Owner
Retired Date   2018-12-31
Pre-import Oversea Name SAN PABLO
Record Summary
Current Rating 55 Season Stakes Won $2,950 Sum to 2018-08-10
Season Records:
Season Sand Records:
Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
All Seasons Sand Records:
All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2018/2019 Season
2018-12-30 1200T 8 1110 55-30 (55) 128 CYM/MCT BHT/RB/XNB 9 8-9-8/9 10-1/4 1:09.7 1:11.3 GO HAPPY ROARING BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE GEM GENERAL94
2018-12-08 1510S 1107 60-40 (57) 125 BY /MCT PBHT/RB/XN 4 3-4-4-6/6 33-1/4 1:34.5 1:40.1 NW PORCINI YANG JIANG STAR SILVER BABY50
Raced wide without cover throughout. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormality. barrier trial req'd.
Freshened 7 weeks.
2018-10-19 1350S 1112 60-40 (59) 129 LC /CHS PBT 7 8-5-7-9/9 27 1:21.8 1:26.5 RA MUJAAN BABY HORSE RIVER GOD CHOI28
Let up 10 weeks.
 2017/2018 Season
2018-08-10 1050S 1121 70-50 (61) 123 BY /CHS PBT 4 10-11-6/11 5-3/4 1:01.8 1:02.8 RA POWERFUL CONQUEROR DESI STYLE GREXIT99
2018-08-04 1200T 4 1107 70-50 (63) 122 CYM/CHS PBT 6 9-9-9/10 13-1/4 1:11.7 1:13.8 YI THAR VALIANT SOLDIER NORTHERN LEGEND99
1100m blundered
2018-07-28 1050S 1117 85-60 (65) 116 MW /CHS PBT 5 12-12-11/12 12-1/4 1:01.8 1:03.9 NW STRIKING ACHIEVER BRAVE FLYING HAWK MR SINGH78
start threw head up slow into stride showed no early pace, vet no abnorm
2018-07-13 1350S 1114 70-50 (67) 127 CYM/CHS PB1 2 4-3-9-11/12 21-1/4 1:21.1 1:24.7 RA HAPPINESS ROSE NORTHERN LEGEND FIFTY FLAGS96
1200m rolled out bumped BABY HORSE, vet no abnorm, rqd full vet
2018-06-23 1200T 8 1115 70-50 (68) 128 BY /CHS P 12 10-12-12/12 ML 1:16.9 - HE MISSION GDRAGON HENG FENG STAR THAR32
900m commenced to loose ground and trail at a distance, rider said horse blundered on several occassions, vet no abnorm, rqd full vet


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
01-10 CANT BM79 1900 6 10 118 1:58.3 S -3.8 AUS 40000 500
12-28 GOSF CL2 1912 2 8 127 1:58.4 G -1.88 AUS 30000 5790
12-10 HAWK CL2 1800 8 9 128 1:49.0 G -3.8 AUS 30000 400
11-29 WYNG BM71 1600 7 9 128 1:37.5 G -6.1 AUS 40000 500
11-15 HAWK BM72 1300 6 9 127 1:15.9 G -4.92 AUS 40000 500
06-21 CANT 3Y BM67 1900 11 11 134 2:01.1 S -9.8 AUS 40000 0
05-24 CANT BM72 1900 2 7 121 1:58.1 S -0.5 AUS 40000 8000
05-13 SCNE BM78 2200 14 16 118 2:17.3 G -26.24 AUS 100800 0
04-26 CANT 3Y BM67 1900 1 12 128 2:00.6 S +0.1 AUS 40000 32200
04-11 GOSF MDN-SW 1600 1 11 129 1:40.0 S +0.3 AUS 30000 21800
03-23 GOUL MDN 1600 5 11 125 1:39.1 H -9.8 AUS 30000 700
03-02 HAWK MDN-SW 1300 3 7 129 1:19.2 H -0.7 AUS 30000 2950
08-24 W FM 3Y MDN-SW 1600 5 6 125 1:41.8 H -13.9 AUS 40000 955
08-11 GOSF 3Y MDN-SW 1200 4 12 125 1:12.5 S -4.2 AUS 27000 1255

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